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OKC History
Operation Scissortail - Our Latest Book! PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Sunday, 13 January 2013 05:18

devon book cover

We are very happy to announce the release of our latest book, "Operation Scissortail," a narative history of the construction of the 50-story Devon Energy Center and the Project 180 makeover of downtown Oklahoma City. This is absolutely a sequel to our popular first effort, "OKC Second Time Around." We also are very grateful for the following story by Lillie-beth Brinkman at The Oklahoman:

Last Updated on Sunday, 13 January 2013 05:26
The Myriad Gardens - Looking Back PDF Print E-mail
Written by Steve Lackmeyer   
Saturday, 15 October 2011 22:59

With thousands attending the grand "re-opening" of the Myriad Gardens, let's go back to a great 2004 discussion of the gardens' history between then Mayor Kirk Humphreys and longtime Myriad Gardens advocate (and chairman emeritus of the gardens foundation) Jim Tolbert.

OCPD Photo History: 1889-1907 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Friday, 14 October 2011 00:00

Welcome to what may be one of the best single collection of Oklahoma City history - all from the archives of the Oklahoma City Police Department. Anyone interested in the history of the OCPD should first read "Oklahoma Justice" by Ron Owens or visit the history site created by Owens and Ed Hill.

Our next suggestion? Visit the new historical police exhibit at the Bricktown Police Substation, 219 E Main.

We start our photo collection with a picture of Charles Colcord, who was the first provisional police chief in the brand new city. He would later become the first sheriff of Oklahoma County, then in 1893 a U.S. deputy marshal stationed in Perry. He would return to Oklahoma City at the turn of the century with $7,000, investing in land and eventually becoming a wealthy developer.

His most notable influence still visible today is the restored Colcord Hotel at Sheridan and Robinson Avenues.

Colcord's biography is widely considered one of the rarest Oklahoma City history books with only 500 printed and never distributed for sale.















Last Updated on Saturday, 15 October 2011 22:57
Stage Center Opens to Mixed Reviews PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jack Money   
Sunday, 26 September 2010 01:41

Stage Center

Nothing has come easy for Stage Center or for its supporters, it seems.

Forty years ago, though, optimism blossomed as local headlines announced that

internationally-renowned director and actress Margaret Webster would direct the

planned inaugural play in the building, “A Man for All Seasons.” (1)

Stage Center was known then as Mummers Theater. And getting a permanent,

landmark location to perform plays in Oklahoma City had been a dream of actors,

actresses, directors and audiences for years leading up to that inaugural


The theater had started with outside tent performances in the late 1940s, and

since had moved into a warehouse on West Main. But organizers were looking for

something more permanent.

The key to getting that going happened in 1962 when the Ford Foundation made

a $1.25 million grant to the Mummers Theater.

But the grant came with a big string attached.

Oklahoma City History Now Has a New, Unified Voice PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 14 July 2010 00:00


July 14, 2010 – A year-long effort to make Oklahoma City history more accessible goes public Thursday with the unveiling of Retro Metro OKC and the group’s website, www.retrometrookc.org.

Retro Metro OKC is pending 501c3 organization whose goal is to create an online exhibit of thousands of photos and documents relating to our city’s history, culture and heritage. The website debuts with more than 1,200 such materials, and thanks to a cooperative effort with the Oklahoma Historical Society and other area historical organizations, we hope to be adding many more historical Oklahoma City images in the near future.

Last Updated on Sunday, 18 July 2010 02:45

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